
Orange Blossom Special  (instrumental)

Who by fire

Who by fire?
Who by water?
Who in the sunshine?
Who in the night time?
Who by high ordeal?
Who by common trial?
Who in your merry merry month of May?
Who by very slow decay?
And who shall I say is calling?

And who in her lonely ship?
Who by barbiturate?
Who in these realms of love?
Who by something blunt?
Who by avalanche?
Who by powder?
Who for his greed?
Who for his hunger?
And who shall I say is calling?

And who by brave assent?
Who by accident?
Who in solitude?
Who in this mirror?
Who by his lady's command?
Who by his own hand?
Who in mortal chains?
Who in power?
And who shall I say is calling?

Aven Roma

Aven Roma Ke mange, ke mange
Boshava ke tu menge, to menge
Shukar gili romani, romani
Roma pennen amari, amari

Daddy's gone to Knoxville

Oh, you're gonna miss your daddy when he's gone, when he's gone
Daddy's gone down that Gallatin Road
The hen never laid and the corn never growed
Oh, you're gonna miss your daddy when he's gone

Oh, I'd rather have a dollar than a dime,than a dime
Daddy's gone down that Crossville track
If he can't make a dollar then he ain't comin' back
Oh, I'd rather have a dollar than a dime

Oh, you better love your daddy while you can, while you can
Daddy's gone south on the Natchez trace
If he can't show the money then he don't show his face
Oh, you'd better love your daddy while you can

Oh, your daddy's gone to Knoxville now, Knoxville now
Daddy's gone down that Knoxville Road
The dog never barked and the cock never crowed
Oh, your daddy's gone to Knoxville now.

Di grine Kuzine

Tsu mir iz gekumen a kuzine
Sheyn vi gold iz zi geven, di grine
Bekelakh vi royte pomerantsn
Fiselakh vos betn zich tsum tantsn.
Herelakh vi zaydn-veb gelokte
Tseyndelekh vi perelakh getokte
Eygelakh vi himl-bloy in friling
Lipelekh vi karshelekh a tsviling.
Nisht gegangen iz zi, nor geshprungen
Nisht geret hot zi, nor gezungen
Lebedik un freylekh yede mine -
Ot aza geven iz mayn kuzine.
Un azoy ariber tseyner yorn
Fun mayn kuzine iz a tel gevorn
"Peides" hot zi vokhenlang geklibn
Biz fun ir iz gornisht nit geblibn.
Haynt az ikh bagegen mayn kuzine
Un ikh freg ir: S'makhtsu epes, Grine?
Ziftst zi op, un kh'leyen in ir mine:
Brenen zol Colombus' es medine!

A Wäschgluf

A Wäschgluf isch amol em Gadda dussa gflaggad,
War nass ond volla Dreck, ond hat auf ebbes gwattat.
Dass sie was Bsonders wär', des war ihr all scho klar –
Vielleicht käm' mol a Frosch vorbei, oder a Prinz sogar !
Sie hätt' sich sogar zemma grissa, ond hätt' it zwickt,
wenn er sie kissa wella hätt', wenn's  soweit komma wär !
Noi noi, sie wär ganz riabig blieba,
Hätt' sich vielleicht am Wäschsoil grieba,
wia friaher, aber gfreit hätt' sie sich sehr!
Wer komma isch, des war koi Frosch, koi Königsohn mit edler Gosch;
'S war a Musiker, mit amma Nottaständr.
Der hat em Gatta Gittar gspielt – dr Wend hat blausat, saumäßig wild,
dass d'Notta gfloga send, wia's Oichalaub em Wentr.
Ond weil er nix auswendig kenna hat, drom hat'r fiar sei Nottablatt
Was braucht, dass des dr Wend tät it futtnemma.
Hat dia Wäschgluf gfonda, hat se kisst
"Di schickt dr Herrgott" hat'r gsait, (er hat's it besser gwisst)
Er hat ja au it ahna kenna, dass sie bloß vergessa wora isch!
Die andre warat en dr Tischschublad, im truckna Keller!
Doch sie hat sich saumäßig gfreit, no koiner war wie sie so weit,
Obwohl sie bloß aus Holz war, war sie schneller
Vor alle Leit, vor Publikom! So a Wäschgluf isch ja au it domm
Au wenn sie schon a weng alt isch, ond it ganz sauber!
Wia der se kisst hat, hat sie gmerkt: des war a Musenkuss,
Des wirkt auf so a Wäschgluf wia a Zauber!
Dia bleibt dr, dia verliersch nie mehr.
Ond isch dr Glufasack au leer, hasch allweil oina en de Notta denna.
In Zukunft woisch wo'd  sucha muasch,
bevor da reacht saumäßig fluachsch ond naus schprengsch:
guck zearscht henna!
Doch des isch a Gschicht aus alter Zeit, wer braucht denn no Wäschglufa heit?
Heit tricknat alls doch d'Wäsch scho elektronisch!
So ändrat Zeit sich, ond dr Zweck von manche Sacha, fällt ganz weg
Oder wird halt anderscht, s 'isch scho komisch.

Tomorrow night (Morga nacht)

Tomorrow night, will you remember what you said tonight?
Tomorrow night, will all the thrill be gone?
Tomorrow night, will it just be another memory
Or just another song that`s in my heart to linger on

Your lips are so tender and my heart is beating fast
And you willingly surrender to me, but darling, will it last?
Tomorrow night, will you be with me when the moon is bright
Tomorrow night, will you say those lovely things you said tonight?

Oh morga Nacht
Kommsch du zu mir
Wenn blos dr Mond no wacht
Oh morga Nacht
Wenn all`s vergessa isch
Oh morga Nacht
Bisch du it nur no mei Erinnerung
Blos no a nettes Liad
Des mit mir kommt
Und mit mir ziagt

Mecht di so gern küssen
Mei Herz des klopft so laut
I bi so gern bei dir g'leaga
Oh bin I  morga au dei Braut?

Oh morga Nacht
Kommsch du zu mir
Wenn bloß dr Mond no wacht
Oh morga Nacht
Hosch du wieder für eis zwoi a Bettle g'macht?

I can't get you off of my mind

Oh, I can't get you off of my mind
When I try, I'm just wastin' my time
Lord, I've tried and I've tried, all night long I've cried
But I can't get you off of my mind

And you think you would leave me behind
But I guess you're the two-timin' kind
Do you think that it's smart to jump from heart to heart
When I can't get you off of my mind?

Oh, I can't get you off of my mind
When I try, I'm just wastin' my time
Lord, I've tried and I've tried, all night long I've cried
But I can't get you off of my mind

You believe that a true love is blind
So you fool every new love you find
You've got stars in your eyes but they can't hide the lies
Oh, I can't get you off of my mind

But I can't get you off of my mind
When I try, I'm just wastin' my time
Lord, I've tried and I've tried, all night long I've cried
But I can't get you off of my mind


Viens danser, Colinda, viens danser
Viens daser oublie ton ennuie
Tu ne`s pas bien jolie, peu importe aujourd`hui
Et viens danser, Colinda, viens danser
Tu ne`s pas bien jolie, peu importe aujourd`hui
Et viens danser, Colinda, viens danser

Colinda nàvait que quinze ans
Petite femme beau minois effronté
Tous le jours sa mere lui répetait
La beauté ce nest pas important
Je suis done l`aide pensait la dolles cente
Cèst bien dommage en verite
Mais tant pis si je ne suis pas plaisante
Je suis gaie tant que je danser

Viens danser, Colinda, viens danser
Viens daser oublie ton ennuie
Tu ne`s pas bien jolie, peu importe aujourd`hui
Et viens danser, Colinda, viens danser
Tu ne`s pas bien jolie, peu importe aujourd`hui
Et viens danser, Colinda, viens danser

A vlint le jour ou elle se surprit
A rever a soupirer
Ah si j`etais belle, jamerais mieux la vie
Et je ne serais jamais seul pour valser
Colinda croyait rester a jamais
La villain petit canard malheureux
Jusqu`au jour ou il est arrive
Et lui a dit un sourire dans les yeux

Viens danser, Colinda, viens danser
Viens daser oublie ton ennuie
Tu ne`s pas bien jolie, peu importe aujourd`hui
Et viens danser, Colinda, viens danser
Tu ne`s pas bien jolie, peu importe aujourd`hui
Et viens danser, Colinda, viens danser

Jolie Louise

Ma jolie, how do you do?
Mon nom est Jean-Guy Thibualt-Leroux
I come from East of Gatineau
My name is Jean-Guy, ma jolie
J'ai une maison à Lafontaine
Where we can live, if you marry me
Une belle maison à Lafontaine
Where we will live, you and me
O-oh Louise... ma jolie Louise

Tous les matins au soleil
I will work till work is done
Tous les matins au soleil
I did work till work is done
And one day the foreman
Said «Jean-Guy, we must let you go»
Et puis mon nom, y est pas bon
At the mill any more
O-oh Louise, I'm losing my head
I'm losing my head

My kids are small, four and three
Et la bouteille, she's mon amie
I drink the rum till I can't see
It hides the shame Louise does not see
The carousel  turns in my head
And I can't hide, oh no no no no
And the rage turns in my head
And Louise, I struck her down
Down on the ground... I'm losing my mind
I'm losing my mind

En septembre soixante-trois
The kids are gone and so is Louise
Ontario they did go
Near la ville de Toronto
Now my tears, they roll down
Tous les jours, o-o-o-oh
And I remember the days
And the promises that we made
O-oh Louise, ma jolie Louise, ma jolie Louise

Neh Na Na Na

I got on the phone and called the girls, said
Meet me down at Curly Pearls, for a
Ney, Nah Neh Nah
In my high-heeled shoes and fancy fads
I ran down the stairs hailed me a cab, going
Ney, Nah Neh Nah

When I pushed the door, I saw Eleanor
And Mary-Lou swinging on the floor, going
Ney, Nah Neh Nah
Sue came in, in a silk sarong
She walzed across as they played that song, going
Ney, Nah Neh Nah

Annie was a little late
She had to get out of a date with a
Ney, Nah Neh Nah
Carole fixed another drink
As the piano man began to sing that song
Ney, Nah Neh Nah

It was already half past three
But the night was young and so were we, dancing
Ney, Nah Neh Nah
Oh Lord, did we have a ball
Still singing, walking down that hall, that
Ney, Nah Neh Nah

Fever (Du machsch mi rallig)

Never know how much I love you, never know how much I care
When you put your arms around me I get a fever that`s so hard to bare
You gimme fever when you kiss me, Fever when you hold me tight
Fever in the morning and fever all through the night
Everybody`s got the fever, that is something you all know
Fever isn`t such a new thing, Fever startet long ago

So jetzt handr so schea glosat, au wenn`r nix verstanda hand.
Gend obacht, etzt kommts frei auf Schwäbisch,
der Text brengt oin fascht om da Verstand:
Du machsch mi rallig!
Wenn me alangsch, wenn me kissch, ganz langsam ond sacht!
Rallig – friah am Morga, ond au z`mittletscht en dr Nacht.
Du machsch mi a, Mensch!

D`Sonna weckt da Tag auf, dr Mau tuats gleiche mit dr Nacht.
I wach auf wenn Du an mi nakommsch, ischs au bloß a bißle, ond ganz sacht
Du machsch i hoiß, Mensch,
Wenn`d mi alangsch, hoiß scho fascht bevor i di spiar.
RRRRRRRRR- scho am Morga, ond en dr Nacht verwatt i es schiar – itt!

Des kenn mr alle, dommer it so gschamig!
Des hammr alle scho mol verleabt!
S`liabhau isch do au nix Schlechts it,
so was Scheas isch doch au it verkehrt!

Dr Romeo ond sei Jule, von deane hand`r  scho mol was gheart.
Dia hand sich saumäßig mega, ond hand sich sonscht om gar nix gscheart:
Du machsch mi rallig!  Sait dr Romeo, ond du pass`sch so guat zu mir!
Mädlä, in mir fuirats, wenn mr d`Fengr au verbrenn an Dir:
Du machsch mi hoiß, Mensch, wenn me alangsch, hoiß wenn i bloß an di denk.
Jule, du I will di! Ond wenn mr` drbei s´Gnack ausrenk!

Des kenn mr alle, dommr it so gschamig!
Des isch doch a ganz alta Gschicht!
Des geits doch schliaßlich scho seit`s Leit geit –
Sonscht gäb`s eis doch alle it!

Under the stormy sky

He Bebette, danse avec moi
ce soir on fais dodo
danse avec moi, Bebette, oui
under the stormy sky

Papa, y a vendu la terre,
la terre et la vache
danse avec moi, Bebette, oui
under the stormy sky

Jean-Paul, il joue le violon
la belle l'accordeon
danse avec moi, Bebette
on this stormy night

I hear the whipporwill cry
I see the blue heron fly over
Sugar Hill, snowy white
big blue siren in the night
Come with me Bebette, we go
under a stormy sky

I hear the T.H.& B.
the diesel turning,
calling you and me
to the city of steel,
smokestack - spinning wheel
come with me Bebette, oui
under the stormy sky

My heart is sad
to leave Sugar town,
goodbye Sugar Hill
on this stormy night

He Bebette, danse avec moi
ce soir on fais dodo
danse avec moi, Bebette, oui
under the stormy sky
under the stormy sky
under the stormy sky

Oh Marie

Y a quelqu'un qui appelle mon nom,
y a quelqu'un qui appelle mon nom
On travail aujourd'hui, on travail sous la pluie
On travaille au tabac, hostie!

Mes mains sont noires a cochon,
mes mains sont noires a cochon
trente jours, et trente nuits
On travail au tabac, hostie!

Oui ma blonde elle attend apres mois,
oui ma blonde elle attend apres mois
Je vais retourner avec beaucoup d'argent
On travail au tabac, hostie!

Oh driver donne moi une chance,
oh driver donne moi une chance
Avez-vous du feu pour ma cigarette?
On travail au tabac, hostie!

Ce soir, on va au village,
oui ce soir, on va au village
Chanter le chanson, boire la boisson
On travail au tabac, hostie!

O Marie, j'ai mal a la tete,
O Marie, j'ai mal a la tete
Donnez nous l'esprit, l'esprit du corps
On travail au tabac, Marie

Le bleu du ciel a change,
le bleu du ciel a change
Apres quarante jours et quarante nuits
On ne peut pas travailler au tabac

Y a quelqu'un qui appelle mon nom,
y a quelqu'un qui appelle mon nom
On travail aujourd'hui, on travail sous la pluie
On travail au tabac

Toast to tomorrow

Come and gather around
And join in the crowd,
Singing the songs that we know
We'll drink a toast to tomorrow and one to days long ago...

We will dance through the night
In the candlelight,
Warmed by the fires glow
We'll drink a toast to tomorrow and one to days long ago...

And we'll follow the stars
No matter how far,
Wherever the wind may blow
We'll drink a toast to tomorrow and one to days long ago...

When the sun starts to rise
We'll not hide our eyes,
We'll greet her with a kiss hello...
We'll drink a toast to tomorrow and one to days long ago...

All the memories we share
Greet us everywhere,
Along life's twisting road
We'll drink a toast to tomorrow and one to days long ago...

Come and gather around
And join in the crowd,
Singing the songs that we know
We'll drink a toast to tomorrow and one to days long ago...

Miss the Mississippi and You

I'm growing tired of these big city nights
Tired of the glamour and tired of the sights
In all my dreams, I am roving once more
Back to my home on the old river shore

I am sad and weary, far away from home
Miss the Mississippi and you, dear.
Nights are dark and dreary ,everywhere I roam
Miss the Mississippi and you.

Rolling this wide world over, always alone and blue, blue
Nothing seems to cheer me under heaven's dome
Miss the Mississippi and you

Memories are bringing happy days of yore
Miss the Mississippi and you, dear
Mockingbirds are singing around the cabin door
Miss the Mississippi and you

Rolling this wide world over, always alone and blue, so blue
Longing for my homeland muddy waters shore
Miss the Mississippi and you